UGM Excels in Website and Social Media Rankings

Research from RevoU, a startup in educational technology, showed that UGM is one of the universities with the most excellent website and social media management.

UGM has the most monthly website visitors with 6.1 million and has the highest number of followers on Instagram with 750 thousand followers.

“Along with the very rapid development of communication technology, of course, the use of websites and social media is an important concern because with this platform we can reach the audience more widely and more easily,” said the Head of UGM Public Relations and Protocol, Dr. Iva Ariani, Wednesday (7/4).

To see which universities in Indonesia have the best quality websites and social media, the data collected includes the number of monthly website visitors, the number of followers on social media Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Youtube, the amount of content on each of these social media, and social media content strategies.

RevoU explained that Universitas Gadjah Mada and Universitas Indonesia compete as the superior in several assessment areas.

Apart from being the top in the number of website visitors and the number of followers on Instagram, UGM has the second-highest number of followers on Twitter and LinkedIn with 1.1 million and 153 thousand followers and the third-highest number of subscribers on Youtube with 59 thousand.

Apart from having quite a large number of followers, the average interaction on UGM’s Instagram account is also high, with 10 thousand likes and 46 comments on average. In addition, the average increase in the number of followers on UGM’s account is also high, namely 220 followers every day.

“One of the strategies is to make content variations following the development of social media trends and also according to the needs of the audience,” added Iva.

For website pages, based on data from SimilarWeb, the average time spent on the five university websites with the most monthly visitors (UGM, UI, Binus, ITB, and Brawijaya) is 5.5 minutes. Apart from the main website page which usually gets the largest organic traffic, there are several pages on the UGM website that receive quite high organic traffic.

UGM is also the only university out of 30 universities considered active in producing content on LinkedIn.

According to the page, the purpose of this research was to find out which universities in Indonesia have the best websites and social media as well as the strategies taken on each of their digital assets.

This research was conducted on thirty public and private universities in Indonesia, using data collected in March 2021 from various sources, such as Similarweb, Ahrefs, Socialblade, and official social media channels of each university.






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