Environmental Impact – QS Sustainability 2024

Environmental Sustainability

This lens assesses UGM’s strategy and operations towards an environmentally sustainable future. It looks at UGM’s commitment to environmental impact alleviation and how UGM has demonstrated that commitment.

UGM is committed to fighting for universal principles, namely social justice, equality, inclusivism, and sustainability in all aspects of university administration policies, both related to Tridharma and governance (pg. 13). Based on the Trustee Board’s Regulations Number 1 Year 2021 concerning Campus Master Plans (pg. 22. pg. 25), UGM is committed to meeting the needs of infrastructure that is appropriate, smart, healthy, comfortable, safe, and sustainable. The development of UGM as an environmentally friendly campus that is green and has minimal carbon emissions (blue campus) is achieved through the realization of various programs, such as zero-waste, recycling, reuse, the use of renewable energy, and the habituation of environmentally friendly behavior.

Following the University’s Master Plan regarding Campus Transportation, UGM is dedicated to lowering carbon dioxide emissions directly by applying three concepts (pg. 8) which are 1) Zero Emission covering prioritizing pedestrians and cyclists and construction of student dormitories, 2) One Gate Campus covering restrictions on the use of motorized vehicles on campus, providing parking lots and campus buses, and 3) Better Campus Network covering the integration of UGM campus transportation with city transportation services.

Based on the Rector’s Regulation Number 2 Year 2022 about Management and Saving on Electricity Usage at UGM, the Implementation of savings in electricity usage is carried out through: a. air conditioning system; b. lighting system; and c. supporting equipment (Article 16-18). Following the Rector Regulation Number 157 Year 2020 regarding the Requirement for Electrical Systems (pg. 33), UGM strives to lower energy consumption in direct ways by installing energy-efficient appliances based on the Indonesian National Standard (SNI).

Climate Action Plan Shared with the Community

In addition to the internal policy, UGM has formulated a climate change mitigation action plan in collaboration with local government, industry, and community groups. This plan encompasses preventive measures, representing a community-level anticipatory approach, particularly evident in Salatiga, where it is further reinforced through regulatory adjustments.

The Salatiga City Government, in partnership with UGM, has developed a 2021-2026 Disaster Management Plan (RPB) to mitigate risks. This document outlines threat conditions, vulnerabilities, and strategies for risk reduction, informing policies across different phases and addressing priority disaster issues at various administrative levels.

The Anambas Islands Regency Government, in collaboration with UGM, is proactively addressing environmental impact by considering ecological diversity, population distribution, natural resources, local wisdom, community aspirations, and climate change in the formulation of the Anambas Islands Regency Environmental Protection and Management Plan (RPPLH).

In response to concerns about potential environmental degradation due to urban development in Yogyakarta, the UGM Center for Environmental Studies collaborated with the Yogyakarta City Environmental Agency to prepare the Academic Paper and Draft Regional Regulation for Yogyakarta City in 2023. The proposed regulation incorporates substantive changes, aligning with the Job Creation Law, to address evolving legal and environmental dynamics.

The District Disaster Risk Assessment document, established in 2013 through collaboration between BPBD and UGM, underwent an update in 2019 by BNPB. It has further been augmented with the Siap Siaga document since 2021, representing a collaborative effort to enhance joint anticipatory measures.

UGM organises basic staff training followed by an assessment at the end of the training period. There was various material from speakers presented in the training, some of which were “Why Become a UGM Education Personnel?”, “Actualizing UGM Values at Work”, “Becoming an Employee with Character and Inspiring Change”. In the third material, there is a section that discusses staff adaptation to climate/environmental changes (sustainability) including changes in the environmental and social aspects.

UGM organises basic staff training followed by an assessment at the end of the training period. There was various material from speakers presented in the training, some of which were “Why Become a UGM Education Personnel?”, “Actualizing UGM Values at Work”, “Becoming an Employee with Character and Inspiring Change”. In the third material, there is a section that discusses staff adaptation to climate/environmental changes (sustainability) including changes in the environmental and social aspects.

UGM ensures that the procurement of goods/services is carried out by taking into account sustainable aspects. This is clearly stated in Rector Regulation Number 8 Year 2020 about Procurement of Goods and Services Chapter VIII Article 76, which mentions the integration of economic, social, and environmental aspects.

UGM is committed to supporting an environmentally friendly campus agenda by encouraging students and employees to primarily choose products that are supplied by ethical food producers. It is then renewed in Rector Regulation Number 12 Year 2022 about Procurement of Goods and Services Article 75 stating that procurement of goods/services is carried out taking into account sustainable aspects. One of the aspects is the environmental aspect, including reducing negative impacts on health, air quality, soil quality, water quality, and using natural resources in accordance with statutory provisions. The commitment to purchase products from local sources is reflected in the principle of increasing the use of domestic products and providing opportunities for MSMEs (Articles 3 and 4 in both regulations).

It is also stated in circular letter number 1791/UN1.P/KJM/BU/2020 about Sustainable Lifestyle (page 3, point D) endorsed on the faculty level and implemented by the hospitality office in providing food on campus.

UGM is committed to maintaining sustainability, adequacy of fulfillment needs, and financial independence with increased management efficiency resource (pg. 23) UGM is also committed to business development that can increase adequacy, sustainability, and financial independence of the university (pg. 24).

Following the University’s Master Plan regarding Campus Transportation, UGM is dedicated to promoting the use of more environmentally friendly energy by applying three concepts (pg. 8) which are 1) Zero Emission, 2) One Gate Campus, and 3) Better Campus Network. The use of electric vehicles and power system installation based on renewable energy in UGM buildings are enforced as a replacement for carbon-intensive energy such as coal and oil. The implementation is further regulated through Technical Guidance on Building Planning, Maintenance, and Conservation (pg. 22).

UGM has established SAUDC (Student Activity Unit of Diffable Care) aimed to accommodate aspirations, motivate, and fight for rights of people with disabilities within the scope of UGM.

UGM recognized the Student’s Union pursuant to the Rector’s Regulation No. 1 of 2017. This gives the right to students to establish student unions under the supervision of the Student Affairs Directorate. Student Unions provides a structural organization for students to be involved in a learning governance environment as well as conducting proper organization practices including providing governance input to the university, support for students (e.g. scholarship platform), and organizing social activities (knowledge dissemination, advocacy, service programs, and various forms of community empowerment activities). 

UGM is dedicated to working towards a zero emission campus, one gate campus, and a better campus network to achieve UGM’s mission of building a more sustainable environment began in 2018. 

Based on Rector’s Decree Number 911 Year 2018 (pg. 8), UGM is dedicated to working towards a zero-emission campus, a one-gate campus, and a better campus network to achieve UGM’s mission of building a more sustainable environment by 2050.

To implement the commitment to better manage carbon and reduce carbon dioxide emissions, UGM carried out the campus bicycle program, built a micro hydro power plant, built Solar Power Plant (PLTS), installed solar panels within existing buildings across the campus, and promoted the use of electrical buses as well as electrical motorcycles as a mode of transportation within the campus.

UGM is dedicated to working towards zero emission campus, one gate campus, and a better campus network to achieve UGM’s mission of building a more sustainable environment by 2050. 

Environmental Education

One of the primary missions of a university is to teach. Education helps equip citizens to make informed and balanced decisions, and provides them with a foundational knowledge across subject areas all of which support a nation’s development. This lens assesses how UGM is educating students to both understand and make a difference specifically to the environment.

SDGs courses on sustainability become one of the main focuses of UGM’s interdisciplinary education development program. The full degree program in the SDGs field in UGM has been instituted through several programs. These programs aim to develop and empower human resources including academics and professionals in understanding the changing paradigm of sustainable development and preparing them for actions in technology implementation, management, and community outreach.

SDGs elective courses are also widely available in most Faculty to promote the SDGs related competencies  among undergraduate students as  their future skills to  contribute solutions to the nation and the world problems

Environmental Research

This lens assesses the impact of the research being done in area aligned to specific UN SDG’s, giving an indication of the relative research environment and attention being given to these crucial topics. 

UGM, as a body, and through its Faculties, Schools, Study Centers, and work units manages various research centers, laboratories, and programs/activities that strengthen conceptual framework development, to ensure that the knowledge and technology of environmental sustainability, are well transferred and accessed both internally and by external communities. Some of the research centers provided by UGM are:

Wanagama Eco Edu Forest’s vision become a globally respected educational university forest known for its support of forest rehabilitation, land rehabilitation, tropical forest management, sustainable eco-tourism, and eco-friendly rural development.

The Center for Agrotechnology Innovation (Pusat Inovasi dan Agroteknologi, PIAT) has a basic concept as a center of agricultural innovation based on integrated farming by promoting an economy based on environmentally friendly technology innovation and optimization of energy resources. In carrying out its activities, PIAT has two areas, namely the Sustainable Food Resources Management Sector and the Sustainable Natural Resources Conservation Sector.

Engineering Research and Innovation Center (ERIC) is an inter-department synergy hub that focuses more on integrating research resources, actors, and interests to produce research results with higher values for the recipients (industry, government, and community). ERIC has 8 research centers that support activities, one of which is sustainable environment.

The Center for Environmental Studies (Pusat Studi Lingkungan Hidup, PSLH) organizes and facilitates critical and holistic studies on the environment, and disseminates and applies the results of these studies, within the framework of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, covering education, research and community service, by prioritizing the dharma of research.

Provide access to university facilities (e.g. labs, technology, plant stocks) to local farmers and food producers to improve sustainable farming practices.

Specific to agriculture, UGM provides university facilities for local farmers and food producers to enhance sustainable farming practices. For instance:


The Faculty of Agriculture, Gadjah Mada University has succeeded in developing a digital-based agricultural extension and communication application called Desa Apps. This application offers features that help farmers improve the quality of their farming business. The features available are Questions and Answers, Articles, Farmer’s Notes, Weather Info, Shop Info, Office Info, and Market. Desa Apps was also developed into a website-based application (Web App) called ‘Lentera DESA’ as an online education and training platform in the agrocomplex sector so that it is easier to reach anyone and anywhere, and able to reach a wider audience.


The UGM Vocational School’s Field Research Center (FRC) is equipped with various technology incubation facilities including cocoa processing, wood pellets, goat’s milk processing, and other technologies to accelerate the quality of local products, especially agriculture and livestock. The Fabrication Laboratory (Fab Lab) located in the FRC Building is an open innovation ecosystem, thus the local community (especially Kulon Progo) can access the laboratory facilities.

The establishment of the Fab Lab is one of the efforts of UGM and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) through the Technical Cooperation Project to empower the people of Kulon Progo with an open innovation approach. To accelerate the quality of local products, especially agriculture, and livestock, Fab Lab is expected to become an educational and teaching ecosystem that plays a role in creating solutions to problems, as well as educating and downstream its output to industry and society. The farmers welcomed the establishment of this Fablab facility. They hope that with Fablab, the problems they face on the land can be resolved.

UGM International Training Center for Cage Free Farm Model is the first in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. The ITC Cage-Free Innovation and Welfare Hub was built to facilitate layers of poultry farmers, academics, and animal science students to practice cage-free farming. This facility is open to the public, including government agencies and other stakeholders, both for domestic and foreign participants. This training center enables egg producers to achieve success, sustainability, and long-term profitability in battery cage-free egg production. This training center brings together egg producers and other industry stakeholders to improve the long-term sustainability and competitiveness of the egg industry in Indonesia and across Asia.

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