UGM Women Study Center Develops The Role of Government And Community Models In Prevention and Handling of Domestic Violence In West Papua

Domestic Violence (domestic violence) has become a common agenda in the international world in the last few decades. The facts show that domestic violence has a significant negative effect on women who are likely to be victims. The number of domestic violence reported in Indonesia shows an increasing condition. The eastern part of Indonesia is a region which in various aspects is considered to have a very high risk and incidence of domestic violence.

Data from the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection (KPPPA) through the Symphonic Violence Data System (2019) shows the number of reported cases of violence is 4,046 cases with the number of female victims are 3,348 people and the number of male victims is 1,024 people. The distribution of violence in each province shows that most violence occurred in the provinces of South Sulawesi and Central Java with more than 400 cases while the lowest occurred in Gorontalo. West Papua Province in 2018 with no more than 100 cases. Although the reported incidence rate is relatively small, when viewed from the ratio of female violence to the total female population, it is relatively high, which reaches 20. If seen from the reported violence against children, there are around 60 cases. When viewed from the location of the violence, the amount of violence in the scope of households occupies the highest number which reaches 60% of the number of events.

The high number of domestic violence cases actually cannot describe the real cases in the community. This is caused by the number of cases that are not reported and handled. The eastern part of Indonesia, including Papua and West Papua, is a region that is considered in various aspects to have a very high risk of domestic violence. Various efforts need to be made to encourage the declining number of domestic violence, including looking at how the harmonization between policies and people’s understanding of domestic violence. This research looks at the role and movement of the community in the context of preventing cases of domestic violence. The study area was carried out in West Papua.

The UGM Women’s Study Center, through the Research Funding Scheme for Higher Education Leading Research (PDUPT) funded by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, conducted a study related to the Role of Government and Society in the Prevention and Handling of Domestic Violence in West Papua. The results of the study are in the form of a Government and Community Role Model in the Prevention and Handling of Domestic Violence in West Papua. The model will be integrated into local government policies to reduce the incidence of domestic violence. 

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