UGM Receives Ambulance from Bank BPD DIY

UGM Academic Hospital received one ambulance unit from Bank BPD DIY. The ambulance assistance was handed over by the Director of Bank BPD DIY, Santoso Rohmad, to the UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng. IPU Asean.Eng, at UGM Hall, on Thursday afternoon (15/10).

Vice-Rectors and all UGM leaders, and the board of directors of Bank BPD DIY also attended the event. The President Director of the UGM Academic Hospital, dr. Arief Budiyanto, Ph.D., Sp.K(K) and the Director of Medical and Nursing Services at RSA UGM, Prof. Dr. dr. Elisabeth Siti Herini, Sp.A(K) also presented at the event.

“Today we will hand over an ambulance to the UGM Academic Hospital, hopefully, this ambulance can provide convenience or improvement in services at the Academic Hospital, as well as being used by the community in DIY,” said Santoso Rohmad when giving the opening speech.

On this occasion, Santoso said that Bank BPD DIY expressed its willingness to assist in the completion of the tower construction at the UGM RSA. He said this considering that Bank BPD DIY had been trusted to manage finances at UGM and RSA UGM so far.

“Some time ago, I thanked the rector, even if Bank BPD DIY is trusted to complete the tower, then Bank BPD DIY is ready to back up the construction of the tower at the UGM RSA,” he said.

Santoso stated that for other services, Bank BPD DIY continues to develop electronic banks and digital banks to compete with other banks in general. Bank BPD DIY will shortly complete the development of digitizing revenues and expenditures for the benefit of districts/cities throughout DIY, including digitizing payments in hospitals and financial management in hospitals.

“Hopefully, soon, we can increase cooperation with UGM Academic Hospital in digital-based financial management, and once again thank you, hopefully, what we are doing is our charity of worship and accepted by Allah SWT,” he added.

UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng.IPU Asean.Eng, said that with the help of one ambulance from Bank BPD DIY, it is hoped that it can be used optimally to improve RSA UGM’s services. According to him, RSA UGM requires many additional facilities due to the Covid-19 pandemic because more patients have to be served than normal conditions.

“The assistance from UGM partners regarding the facilities for this hospital will certainly increase the ability of RSA UGM in serving the community in the health sector. For that, we would like to express our gratitude,” he said.

According to the Rector, RSA UGM continues to improve the quality of services because the hospital’s primary function is service. In addition, RSA UGM is also a place for lecturers and experts to conduct research and do community service.

The Rector added that the goal of RSA UGM is to improve the quality of services supported by research results so that the service quality of UGM Academic Hospital is much better than hospitals in general, which universities do not directly support.

“Therefore, RSA UGM is making active efforts so that research can be carried out in hospitals to improve services quality because they are supported by high science and technology,” he said.

The Covid-19 pandemic, said the Rector, had an unfavourable impact on the financial side of universities. Not a few of the students then applied for tuition reduction, so that the money received by UGM also decreased.

This decline also has an impact on money managed by UGM partner banks. However, this phenomenon is common everywhere.

“It can be seen in the decline in UGM annual budget, which was launched last year, for 2020, it has decreased by a total of 20 percent, so this will also affect the money managed by UGM partner banks. For that, let us pray that the pandemic will end soon, the situation will return to normal, the people’s economic capacity will revive so that the ability to pay student tuition fees increases; thus, the money managed by UGM increases as well as the money managed by UGM partner banks. With increased resources, of course, many activities can be done and can revive the economy,” he said.







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