PK Silin Faculty of Forestry UGM Organizes Online Seminar Series on Forestry

The Center for Intensive Silvicultural Studies of Tropical Forests in Indonesia (PK Silin) ​​Faculty of Forestry UGM organizes five online seminar series every Wednesday. This seminar started on Wednesday (12/8). The series of seminars are deliberately focused on studies of important commercial species in Indonesia and are presented from various scientific perspectives. Thus, the study is expected to be more comprehensive in its exploration and significantly contribute to science.

The invited resource persons are experts from the UGM Faculty of Forestry who are competent in their respective fields. The topics discussed in these five series of seminars include Pinus merkusii plantation forest to support the development of timber production and non-timber forest products (NTFPs); teak clone forestry; challenges and opportunities for community forest development; optimizing the management of Industrial Plantation Forests (HTI) to support the pulp and woodworking industry; and management of tropical natural forests to support sustainable production and ecosystems protection.

In the first series of online seminars, three speakers were present. The first speaker was Prof. Dr. Moh. Na’iem with a presentation entitled “Pinus merkusii Breeding Strategy to Support the Development of Wood and Sap Production”. Second, Dr. Musyafa with the title “Integrated Pest and Disease Protection in Pinus merkusii“. Last, Dr. Sigit Sunarta presented “The Yield and Quality of Gondorukem and Tarpentim Sap Pinus merkusii”.

From the first series, it is known that Pinus merkusii breeding has been developed since 1976 by collecting > 1000 plus trees to create wood production. This activity is a collaboration between the Faculty of Forestry UGM, Perum Perhutani, and the Directorate General of RLPS, Ministry of Forestry.

In addition, with the increase in NTFP forest products from pine, the development of pine is directed to the development of sap (sap leaking pine). The development activity began in 2004 with a collaboration between the Faculty of Forestry UGM and Perum Perhutani.

The development of sap-leaking pine clones needs to be planted with mixed or multi-clonal cropping patterns. This cropping pattern is intended to minimize pest and disease attacks that may cause the failure of the pine clone to leak sap. In addition, the development of tapping techniques can improve the quality and productivity of the pine resin produced. In this regard, this first online seminar series opens opportunities for the development of Pinus merkusii plants to produce wood and non-timber products to support sustainable forest management in the future.







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