Budi Daryono Achieves the Best Collaborative Research Award UGM by Researching Melon

Dean of the Faculty of Biology UGM, Professor Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D., received an award for outstanding UGM personnel in 2020 in Best Science and Technology Cluster Collaborative Research.

This award was given as a form of appreciation from Gadjah Mada University to all academics, including alumni who have contributed to the community. This award is given annually in terms of Universitas Gadjah Mada’s Anniversary.

Budi Daryono, a lecturer at the Genetics and Breeding Laboratory, is active in various research activities. The research that made him the winner of the Best Science and Technology Cluster Collaborative Research category UGM 2020 entitled “Integrative Collaboration of Academics in the Development of Raw Materials for the Cosmetic Industry with PT. Gizi Indonesia”.

“We are doing collaborative research in the development of cosmetics made from melons of the Gama Melon Perfume (GMP) type,” he explained on Friday (11/13).

Gama Melon Perfume used for cosmetic raw materials has long been developed by Budi Daryono. This type of melon has the character of small fruit size, green skin, and unique ornaments. While the taste is bitter; but has a very fragrant aroma. On average, each tree can bear 4-10 fruit with a weight per fruit of about 50 grams to 4 ounces. Meanwhile, the harvest period takes about 55-58 days.

“The strong scent of this GMP melon makes it suitable as a perfume ingredient,” he explained.

Furthermore, he conveyed that the collaborative research on cosmetics development using melon raw materials succeeded in obtaining funding from the RISPRO-LPDP of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia in 2020-2022. The research aims to commercialize cosmetic products made from GMP melon and involve three faculties collaborating, including the Faculty of Biology, the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, and the Faculty of Pharmacy.

In the Faculty of Biology itself, Budi Daryono collaborates with several laboratories to develop GMP melon research. Some of them are Genetics and Breeding Laboratory, Animal Physiology Laboratory, Microbiology Laboratory, and Plant Systematics Laboratory.

While in the field of commercialization, he collaborated with industrial partners, including PT. Gizi Indonesia is engaged in the cosmetic industry sector and PT. Nudira Sumber Daya Indonesia is involved in the agricultural sector in the fulfillment of industrial raw materials. Cross-sectoral collaboration and full of multidisciplinary knowledge are one of the keys to success in winning an award as one of UGM’s outstanding people in 2020.






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