Center for Tourism UGM Promotes Health Protocols Implementation in Ketingan Tourism Village

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected many sectors. There was a significant impact in the tourism sector, including in Sleman Regency. As a result of this pandemic, it affects the decline in foreign exchange, reduces public income, and several jobs such as transportation and construction services. All have experienced sluggishness, and local government revenues from the tourism sector have also declined.

“This fact is strengthened by the situation and freeze-condition in around 170 tourist attractions in Sleman Regency during the emergency response period because they no longer acquire tourist visits including tourist villages in Sleman,” said Nyoman Rai Savitri, S.Psi. M.Ec. .Dev, as the Head of Human Resources Development and Tourism Business, Sleman Regency Tourism Office on Saturday (26/9) in the Socialization of Health Protocol Implementation in Tourism Villages.

The UGM Tourism Study Center carried out the Socialization Activity for the Implementation of Health Protocols in Tourism Villages in a Community Service Program Based on the Implementation of Education for Sustainable Development in Ketingan Hamlet, Tirtoadi, Mlati, Sleman.

Nyoman explained that the impact showed a decline in local revenue from the tourism sector. The decline in local revenue from tourism has an indirect effect on decreasing community income.

Even so, he said, the district government and the DIY regional government did not remain silent. Along with academics and destination managers, the government planned guidelines for implementing health protocols to adjust new habits (IMR).

One of the earnest efforts of the Sleman Regency Government is by issuing Perbup No 37.1 / 2020 concerning the application of discipline and law enforcement of health protocols to prevent and control Coronavirus Disease 2019. It is estimated that the success in reducing the coronavirus spread can at least be achieved by upholding discipline and implementing 3M.

“We highly hope that the community will be disciplined in implementing 3M: washing hands using soap with water, maintaining physical distancing, and always wearing a mask, especially when going outside the house,” he said.

Nyoman said that the tourism village organizer, namely the Tourism Office, has also issued SOP / Health Protocols in Tourism Villages. The guide discussed the aspects of infrastructure, services, culinary presentations, tour guides, and homestays. The guidelines for implementing health protocols in tourism destinations can be used as a reference standard in implementing new habit adaptations (IMR) for managers and communities in all tourist villages in Sleman Regency, especially Ketingan Hamlet.

Puspar UGM held this environmental education program as one of the community service agendas based on the implementation of Education For Sustainable Development with the chairman Prof. Dr. Heddy Shri Ahimsa-Putra, M.A.M.Phil. Besides, Subeno M.Sc. and Dr. Destha T. Raharjana S.Sos.M.Si, who took part in the occasion of the raised the topic of Covid-19 and Efforts to Rearrange the Ecotourism of Ketingan Hamlet, also supported this program.

“The results of this ESD program include producing content storytelling of Ketingan egret ecotourism, as well as improving the readiness of Ketingan ecotourism managers regarding health protocols,” added Destha.






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