The HydropoShifter team of UGM FTP won first place in the scientific writing competition of the International Smart Farming Competition (ISFC) held on 1 July 2021.
The team, which consisted of undergraduate students in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, succeeded in becoming the champion by presenting a work entitled Precision Agriculture with the topic “Hydropo-shifter: A Dynamic Space Multilayer Hydroponic System Based on Canopy Area in Plant Factory for Space Efficiency”. They are Ardan Jaenuri, Damar Abhinawa, and Muhammad Hafizh under the guidance of Dr. Andri Prima Nugroho from Smart Agriculture Research Department of Agricultural Engineering and Biosystems at UGM FTP.
Ardan Jaenuri conveyed that the research submitted by his students discussed a hydroponic farming system based on Computer Vision System. The system aims to detect piled leaves from hydroponic vegetables in the plant factory. The detected plants will be shifted automatically, so there are no overlapping plants.
“The application of HydropoShifter can use agricultural areas more efficiently because it does not leave space between each plant,” he explained on Wednesday (7/7).
He also hopes he can further develop HydropoShifter with incentives in the future. This way, it can help farmers enhance the hydroponic system based on Precision Agriculture to improve Industry 4.0 in Indonesia.
IFSC is a competition held in the framework of the 45th Anniversary of UNS with the paper and poster submission stages on 22 February – 7 May 2021 and continued with the Top 5 Finalists stage consisting of a video submission and online presentation. The final stage will be held on Thursday, 1 July 2021.
This competition has the theme Smart Farming with a choice of topics including Precision Agriculture, E-commerce technology for agricultural products, Agricultural modernization model and technology integration, and other topics related to innovative concepts related to agricultural technology in Industrial Revolution 4.0.