UGM Hands over GeNose C19 Aid to Gus Baha Islamic Boarding School

Universitas Gadjah Mada introduced GeNose C19 and handed it over as a Covid-19 detection tool innovation by UGM to Islamic Boarding Schools to prevent the spread of Covid-19. It was symbolically handed by the Rector of UGM, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, to KH Bahaudin Nursalim or familiarly called Gus Baha, in the hall of the Al Quran Islamic Boarding School, Narukan Village, Kragan District, Rembang Regency, Central Java on Thursday (3/6).

After handing over the aid, the UGM Chancellor said his visit to the Al Quran Islamic boarding school in Rembang was to introduce GeNose C19 as one of the innovations produced by UGM researchers during the current pandemic. This tool, which is widely known by the public, has been used in several train stations, terminals, and airports. It serves as an alternative for the community in screening and detecting Covid-19 at a cheaper and affordable price. It should be even more convenient to use in Islamic boarding schools because it only requires artificial intelligence technology. “We hope Islamic boarding schools can use this tool to detect Covid-19, and we hope that the school is free from the virus and will always carry out regular health screenings and checks,” said the Chancellor.

Panut added that GeNose C19 production continues to increase in line with the high demand from the public. Especially in Islamic boarding schools, UGM has collaborated with the Rabithah Ma’ahid Islamiyah (RMI) PBNU in distributing the tool. “Hopefully, people can benefit from this tool because the cost is relatively cheap, and so that the schools are free from Covid-19,” he said.

Meanwhile, Gus Baha expressed his appreciation and gratitude to UGM for paying attention to students’ health in Islamic boarding schools through developing the Covid-19 detection and screening tool. According to him, GeNose C19 is an innovative result from Indonesia, which all Indonesians should be proud of. “First, I am grateful because this is the work of Indonesian people from UGM. Second, hopefully it represents the pride of all Indonesians as we can make our own inventions. Third, this work is a form of our endeavor to produce a Covid-19 detection tool. All efforts are not prohibited by religion because we are taught to always keep trying,” he said.

According to Gus Baha, GeNose C19 will provide the public with an alternative for detection tools that is cheaper and easier to use and even inspire many people to produce similar innovations. Therefore, later Indonesians can be independent in various discoveries in the fields of technology and science. “May we become an independent nation in the global community arena. Representing Islamic boarding schools, I appreciate this very much,” he said.

In addition, the UGM Chancellor is also exploring opportunities to collaborate with Gus Baha as the leader of the Islamic boarding school to improve character education and religious education for students and lecturers at UGM through religious recitation activities and public lectures.






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