Massive Distribution of GeNose Tools, 2.021 Tools Are Ready for Dispatch

UGM has been ready to dispatch a total of 2.021 unit GeNose to several institutions around this country. This innovation launching has been long-awaited by healthcare institutions, government institutions, education institutions, companies, and other public facilities to assist the Covid-19 screening of cases in Indonesia.

“Community has been waiting for this tool distribution. Thanks to their support, we can do mass production, and today we will distribute it,” said the Chancellor at the GeNose launching event in Science Technopark, which the official representative distributor of GeNose also attended.

After GeNose obtained its distribution permission, UGM has made efforts to immediately produce and distribute GeNose to meet the needs for early detection tools for Covid-19, especially in public facilities.

“We highly hope that this effort can help revive the economic state through health recovery from the pandemic. Let’s unite to revive our economic state,” he added.

UGM Director of Business Development and Incubation, Dr. Hargo Utomo, stated that this distribution was not intended for individual use for now. Sales priority is currently focused on for some institutions to extend the screening process. GeNose has distributed to the Community through five selected companies: PT. Graha Rekayasa Utama, PT. Global Systech Medika, PT. Sigma Andalan Nusa, PT. Dunia Kecantikan Indonesia, dan PT. Indofarma Global Medika.

“At this stage, it is not for personal use, but several agencies related to health, public services, education, and corporations. When we have finished this, let’s move on to other needs,” Hargo said.

He mentioned that besides the distribution of 2.021 GeNose, hundreds of GeNose tools were ready to be distributed this week. This tool’s chain distribution was mostly addressed to several areas in Java, Sumatera, and Kalimantan. However, this tool’s distribution is expected to reach other areas or even abroad in the future.

One of the GeNose founders, Dr. Dian K. Nurputra said that the Ministry of Health is currently re-inspecting GeNose. Moreover, the Directorate General of Disease Prevention and Control, Ministry of Health, has recognized appropriate clinical trial methods to the GeNose innovation tool.

“GeNose has been ready for its distribution after being evaluated by the Ministry of Health through the granting of emergency use permits, and most recently, the Ministry of Transportation has also issued regulations regarding GeNose as a travel requirement,” explained Dian.

The accuracy level from GeNose reaches up to 93-95 percent. Through its product development, testing, and refinement phase, GeNose has recently begun to operate in several public facilities, including train stations and hospitals.






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