Controlling Stress in the Middle of the Pandemic

Human problems are increasing and becoming more complex from time to time. In the digital era nowadays, everything is limitless. Therefore, people should control their stress levels, Drs. Sentot Haryanto, M.Sc., Psi, stated as a lecturer at the UGM Faculty of Psychology, as well as a speaker at the Stress Control Webinar: Enthusiasm of Achievement in the Covid-19 Pandemic recently.

“In the current Covid-19 pandemic, we need to control stress since several conditions such as at home, at work, in society, on social media, or maybe economic factors and others, can be the roots of stress,” he explained at a Webinar organized by the Universitas Gadjah Mada Employee Corps (Korpagama).

Sentot mentioned Indonesia as a “disaster store”, including both natural disasters and social disasters such as terror, klithih, etc. He also added that in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, all parties were unavoidably required to cohabit in harmony and deal with these conditions to avoid stress.

He was also surprised because there are still people who do not believe that Covid-19 exists, even though currently, Indonesia is in the middle of a very extraordinary situation. This condition requires people to be capable of adjusting themselves to the new normal.

“Not to mention that we were also surprised by the new variant of Covid-19. However, as seen from external conditions, it is possible to affect a person’s mental condition, which could cause physical and psychological tensions,” he said.

He also said that stress occurs when someone’s well-being is threatened if we do not respond immediately and precisely to lessen this threat, such as the current condition of the Covid-19 incident.

“Stress indeed is very individual. It can happen to yourself but not to others because age, gender, education, and other factors are profoundly influential. However, stress can also be situational. Stress can happen to particular people in specific situations, but somehow it does not always happen to other people,” he explained.

He emphasized that stress that occurs in particular limits is important because it can cause passion, a challenge, vigilance, and caution. But if a person exceeds the limit, it will possibly influence your psychological, social, and religious conditions.

Accordingly, to maintain achievement in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, people are expected to maintain their positive thinking. Besides, people are also required to focus on only one point and control their focus to be on the right track.

“Consequently, we have to select the right and important information wisely. Please avoid unnecessary information, then improve synergistic and healthy communication and always nurture enthusiasm and work ethic,” Sentot inferred.






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