Faculty of Philosophy UGM Conducts Studium Generale

Faculty of Philosophy UGM conducted a Studium Generale on Saturday (4/5) in Grha Sabha Pramana UGM for UGM students that take general core courses. Around 2,300 students from five faculties of UGM took part in the event. The invited speakers were Machmudi Hariono (Yayasan Prasasti Perdamaian), Chusnul Chotimah (Foundation for Survivors’ Families), and Dr. H.C. Ary Ginanjar Agustian (ESQ Leadership Center).

The theme of the Studium Generale this time was Prevention of Radicalism and Strengthening of State Identity in Higher Education. This theme was selected, according to Arqom, due to the rampant spread of radicalism on campuses.

“This is a serious problem that needs to be handled immediately. The students that believe in this belief have lost their trust of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. They want to change this nation into a caliphate. This means the threat against the nation no longer comes from outside but inside,” he expressed his concerns.

Therefore, according to Arqom, organizing the Studium Generale is important mainly to re-emphasize the importance of national unity given the current situation of the country. “I hope that this lecture can inspire us all to build a better Indonesia,” he explained.

The statement was shared by Prof. Dr. Ir. Panut Mulyono, D.Eng., M.Eng., Rector of UGM. According to him, it is important to invite the adherents of radicalism to return to the vision of Indonesia as stipulated in Pancasila. “In line with Pancasila, Indonesians should uphold peace, courtesy, divinity and love for unity,” he said.

Panut suggested that people become more aware of their identity as Indonesian citizens and strengthen it in accordance with the values ​​of Pancasila. Primarily, he said that unity is the most vulnerable value as an effect of the last election. “This nation is becoming as if it was split in two,” he said.

To catch up with other countries, Panut said that Indonesia must be united again. “National agendas, such as strengthening human resources, industrialization, and so on, cannot be carried out without unity,” he said.

During the event that morning, there was also a cooperation agreement between the Faculty of Philosophy and the ESQ Leadership Center. The signing of the agreement document was carried out by Arqom, as a representative from the Faculty of Philosophy, and Ary Ginanjar, as a representative from the ESQ Leadership Center, witnessed by Panut, as UGM Rector.

This collaboration aims to prepare quality Indonesian human resources through education, training, and community service by the two parties. Later, the human resources resulting from this program will have the quality to bring progress to Indonesia.







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