Social Impact – QS Sustainability 2024


Equality lens assesses UGM’s efforts to instill not only an atmosphere of gender equality but of reduced inequalities more widely – including discrimination based on other personal characteristics.

UGM is committed to anti-discrimination as directed by Trustee Board’s Regulations Number 1 Year 2023 about University Strategic Plan 2022-2027 (pg. 14, UGM guarantees that the campus environment is a safe and comfortable ecosystem, free from sexual violence, other violence, bullying, mental health problems, discrimination, and friendly to people with disabilities). The regulation in 2023 is the continuation of the Trustee Board’s Regulations Number 1 Year 2020 about University Strategic Plan 2017-2022 which also regulates discrimination (pg. 20, inclusive campus development with an anti-discrimination spirit based on race, ethnicity, ethnicity, gender, marital status, disability, age, religion, minority group, etc.). UGM guarantees the rights of all women including staff and students to be treated equally. Based on the Trustee Board’s Regulations Number 1 Year 2021 concerning Campus Master Plans (pg. 13, pg. 25), UGM is fighting for universal principles, namely social justice, equality, inclusivism, and sustainability in all aspects of university administration policies.

Specifically related to sexual violence, UGM is committed to maintaining standards of human values and dignity at UGM, as well as protecting the entire UGM community from all forms of sexual violence as stated in the Rector’s Regulation Number 1 Year 2020 (Article 2) and updated in Rector’s Regulation Number 1 Year 2023 (Article 2). 

UGM also provides prospective students from all pathways a fair admissions process and will not discriminate against ethnicity, religion, race and intergroup, etc. as clearly stated in the Rector’s Regulation Number 3 Year 2023 Article 2 Verse e. 

Existence of Disability Support Office 

The Health Promoting University (HPU) unit carries out seven main activities, namely health literacy, physical activity, healthy eating patterns, mental health, zero tolerance for drugs, tobacco and alcohol, zero tolerance for violence, bullying and harassment, and the establishment of a healthy, safe and friendly living environment for persons with disabilities. 

Through HPU, UGM formed a Disability Services Unit (ULD) to provide services and facilitation for students and all UGM residents, especially people with disabilities. Through ULD, UGM can provide optimal services according to the needs of people with disabilities. In this way, the potential of students/staff with disabilities can be maximized.

The campus is easily accessible to people with disabilities 

In an attempt to achieve inclusivity on campus, UGM has provided accessible facilities for people with disabilities.

UGM buildings are equipped with ramps, wheelchairs, toilets, special facilities, special parking areas, and other facilities to facilitate those with disabilities.

Access schemes for people with disabilities such as mentoring or other targeted support 


UGM offers comprehensive support for people with disabilities, encompassing education, access schemes, assistance, and various other forms of support. Access is facilitated through accommodation providers and the involvement of Student Activity Units.

UGM promotes access for people with disabilities by providing various forms of support, including webinars to advocate for accommodations and inclusive public services.

UGM hosts the annual Harmony of Inclusion event to create an inclusive platform for students, staff, and faculty members with disabilities to showcase their talents and share their experiences.

UGM fosters inclusivity through the Student Activity Unit (UKM) for Disabled People, which empowers students with disabilities to organize events and initiatives that enhance their capacities and raise awareness about disability inclusion among the UGM community.


UGM provides comprehensive disability support services throughout the educational journey, from prospective students to graduates. It also offers inclusive facilities and accommodations for academicians and employees with disabilities to foster an accessible and supportive environment for all.

UGM provides comprehensive support for exam participants with disabilities, including assistive technology such as headsets and screen reader programs for visually impaired individuals. These accommodations ensure equitable access to the admissions exam and promote an inclusive testing environment.

UGM is committed to fostering an inclusive academic environment that empowers students with disabilities to achieve their full potential. The university actively engages students with disabilities to identify and address their academic support needs. Additionally, lecturers are guided in ensuring the accessibility of learning materials for all students, and assistants are provided to facilitate academic success for students with disabilities.

We have a reasonable accommodation policy or strategy for people with disabilities, including adequate funding 

UGM offers on-campus accommodation which is also friendly for people with disabilities.

UGM is dedicated to promoting inclusivity on campus through disability accommodation policies. This includes providing an Inclusive Campus Handbook with information on facilities and services for individuals with disabilities, offering educational resources on disability-related topics, and extending guidance and scholarship opportunities for individuals with specific needs.

UGM promotes disability inclusion through the Inclusive Campus Handbook, which serves as a comprehensive resource for on-campus facilities, services, and education related to disabilities. This handbook empowers the UGM community to foster an inclusive environment for all.

UGM has implemented service guidelines accessible to all academics, offering an interaction guide categorized by the specific needs of disabled groups for efficient accommodation.

UGM offers specialized accommodations through affirmative scholarship opportunities in higher education for individuals with disabilities.

UGM organises basic staff training followed by an assessment at the end of the training period. There was various material from speakers presented in the training, some of which were “Why Become a UGM Education Personnel?”, “Actualizing UGM Values at Work”, “Becoming an Employee with Character and Inspiring Change”. In the third material, there is a section that discusses staff adaptation to climate/environmental changes (sustainability) including changes in the environmental and social aspects.

Knowledge Exchange

This lens assesses how UGM partners in research to share knowledge and spur educational growth. In particular, it acknowledges the necessity of the global north and global south to come together as research partners, helping to improve academic standards around the globe, as well as the benefits of shared resources, knowledge, and skills that this produces.


Higher education Tri Dharma (Three Pillars of Higher Education) includes community services as a part of the university’s contribution towards the development of society. In regard to UGM Tri Dharma, UGM provides various platforms to engage with the local community by assisting small and medium enterprises as well as ‘starting up’ to develop and maintain their businesses to become sustainable through community empowerment projects such as training, workshops, and digital innovations.


UGM’s Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP) provides training and assistance in drying techniques for empon-empon and herbal plants for residents of Margoyoso Village, Salaman District, Magelang Regency. This activity is a form of community service to support the development of a green economy. Community involvement in climate change adaptation and mitigation is a form of concern for the environment that has been appreciated by the government. One of the impacts of climate change currently being felt is the increase in the incidence of hydrometeorological disasters such as erosion and landslides. Controlling these disasters can be done with agricultural adaptations that apply plant canopy strata or agroforestry. In Margoyoso, empon-empon and herbal plants are part of agroforestry. To increase the added value of agroforestry products, empon-empon or other agricultural products are processed into derivative products.

UGM collaborates with the National Standardization Agency (BSN) to increase market access for its MSME products so they can penetrate the international market. BSN provides training regarding the importance of implementing food safety standards and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) principles as a basis for implementing and certifying Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) to UGM-assisted MSMEs in Kebumen, Central Java.

The training contains an introduction to Instagram and WhatsApp Business social media as well as content marketing and copywriting. Through this training, it is hoped that it can open up opportunities for Trirenggo Village MSMEs to expand their businesses through digital marketing.


SOPREMA Fisipol UGM provides assistance to young sociopreneurs. SOPREMA 2022 incubation was held in collaboration with DIT-PUI UGM and Creative Hub (C-Hub) FISIPOL UGM.

UGM’s Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) is committed to creating an entrepreneurial ecosystem that prioritizes environmental friendliness. One of them is realized in FEB UGM’s participation in the ASEAN Network for Green Entrepreneurship and Leadership (ANGEL) program. This activity is co-funded by the institutions involved. The ANGEL project aims to support college graduates and marginalized minority groups in obtaining a better life. This is achieved through green entrepreneurship which they will lead.


UGM launched the UMKM (Micro Small and Medium Enterprises) Outlet at the University Club (UC) Hotel Bulaksumur. This outlet displays 60 MSME products supported by UGM and will routinely alternate every three months with other MSME products. The establishment of the outlet is a collaboration between the UGM Directorate of Community Service and PT Gama Multi, supported by BNI and the MSME community. This MSME outlet is expected to become a place to showcase and market MSME products that are beneficial for the development of MSMEs.

DPkM UGM held the V MSME Business Meeting, the 5th National MSME Business Meeting featuring speakers including Prof. Heddy Shri Ahimsa-Putra, Dr. Arif Wibisono, Mr. Muhammad Iqbal, Head of the DIY Cooperative and SME Service, Deputy General Chair of the Yogyakarta Special Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Tourism, Prof. Eni Harmayani, Dr. Riza Noer Arfani, Head of the DIY Industry and Trade Service, CEO of PT. Nusa Berdaya Indonesia, Dr. Anggito Abimanyu, Head of the DIY Tourism Service, Head of the DIY Bank Indonesia Representative, Head of the DIY Licensing and Investment Service, Director of PT. Gama Multi.


UGM community service projects are designed based on knowledge and applied technology that would support sustainable independence and prosperity. To accomplish this, UGM involves all academic communities and provides training and programs within the community to improve access to health, healthy housing, and sanitation through waste removal training. The examples include training on the importance of healthy diets and early detection of diseases, health screening programs, healthy housing consultation centers, and waste sorting training.

One of UGM’s contributions in supporting sustainable development is the Student Community Service (KKN) program where students live with the community for two months at a location to solve various problems. Various KKN activities that support sustainable development include planting cocoa among farmers in Patuk Gunungkidul. Apart from being invited to plant cocoa, farmers are also trained to provide added value from the cocoa harvest, starting from the fermentation process to processing it into chocolate products. UGM KKN also provides assistance and training to small-scale gold miners in Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara. For three years, students introduced environmentally friendly technology in gold processing.

Programmes to Improve Access to Health

The UGM FKKMK community service team carried out a health outreach program with the title “The Importance of Health Insurance” to residents of Umbulsari B, Sumberharjo, Prambanan. The material was presented to the public regarding the importance of JKN, its benefits, how to register and pay, as well as how to access online JKN services. Meanwhile, the service team showed a video on the importance of health insurance and how to access Chika and Pandawa, applications launched by BPJS Health to facilitate online administration services.

Lecturers from the Faculty of Biology at Universitas Gadjah Mada conducted a community outreach activity for the women of the PKK (Family Welfare Empowerment) organization in Prenggan Village, Kotagede. In line with SDG 1, this event is part of UGM’s dedication to increasing social welfare in rural regions. The activity revolved around the importance of obtaining and consuming healthy foods and calculating daily calorie intake. The participants were taught how to calculate their health status based on their Body Mass Index and ascertain whether they fell into the normal, overweight, or obese category. Furthermore, the women were taught how to calculate how many kilograms of body weight they needed to lose or gain to achieve a normal category. This activity marked the first in a series and will be followed by future meetings discussing various aspects of health, its maintenance, and the possibility of community service involving the cultivation of medicinal plants and vegetables (TOGA).

The UGM Faculty of Pharmacy’s Pos Pembinaan Terpadu (Posbindu) Team organizes health check activities for lecturers, education staff, students and the general public. Participants receive blood pressure checks, BMI checks, GCU checks, and data on their health history and lifestyle. Participants who wish to have fasting blood sugar (GDP) and total cholesterol checked have been advised to fast at least eight hours beforehand, and participants who do not fast can take part in a check of fasting blood sugar (GDS), uric acid, blood pressure and body mass index (BMI) which includes weight, height and abdominal circumference.

In collaboration with the Gadjah Mada Medical Center (GMC), Family Wellness Fisipol UGM routinely holds free health screenings for registered children.

FK-KMK UGM held Refresher Training on Student Mentoring Methods by Field Instructors. Through this training, it is hoped that field instructors will be able to understand the basic concepts of CFHC-IPE, such as program learning design, evaluation of student learning and field activities, and be able to develop the group’s potential in carrying out program activities.

Programmes to Improve Access to Healthy Housing

The Faculty of Engineering, through healthy home clinics, provides education to the general public, carries out research and provides community service. Healthy Home Clinic is a consultation and education bureau for the community regarding the development of livable homes. Through the healthy house clinic, the UGM Faculty of Engineering hopes that in the future the construction and development of houses in the DI Yogyakarta and Central Java areas will be in accordance with the criteria for livable and healthy houses.

Programmes to Improve Access to Better Sanitation

PIAT held an open house to introduce Rindu. This activity is free, there is no charge so that people can easily learn about waste processing and network with other participants. A total of 75 participants from universities, government, non-governmental organizations, waste banks, nature lovers and other environmental groups joined this open house. The open house began with a presentation session from Dr. Chandra Wahyu Purnomo a waste management expert from UGM then continued with a discussion session and field visit to the Recycling Innovation House.

Waste management workshop for the “Migunani” Waste Management Self-Help Group in Sinduharjo Village, Sleman which is currently experiencing a waste emergency. Doctoral students from the Environmental Science study program as organizers also carry out mentoring activities which are provided for three years so that the benefits are long-term.

Programmes to Improve Access to Early Childhood Education

The Center for Cultural Studies in collaboration with DP3AP2 DIY held socialization and training on the use of educational aids in the form of the SIBAYA game board to various PAUD, TK, SD and PKK educators spread across five DIY districts.

Health and Wellbeing

This lens assesses the UGM’s commitment to improving the health and wellbeing of humanity at large (through its research) and to its own staff and students.

Provision of healthy and affordable food choices for all on-campus 

UGM is committed to making affordable and healthy food options available at its cafeterias, aligning with the national imperative to ensure sufficient daily nutrient intake. This commitment is explicitly outlined in Rector’s Regulation No. 6 of 2016 on Canteen Management at UGM. To assist canteen managers in adhering to these standards, a “Practical Guidance for Healthy Canteen” book was published. Furthermore, UGM conducts regular training sessions for canteen managers to facilitate the implementation of healthy food selections through Health Promoting University Focused Group Discussions (FGDs).

The UGM Healthy Canteen Practical Guidebook is a guidebook for canteen managers and employees in providing nutritious, safe and healthy food menus and creating a comfortable canteen environment.

Rector Regulations No. 6 Year 2016 on Canteen Management Article 8 on food variety includes regulations on affordable and healthy food options. The policy was updated in 2019.

The Standard Operation Procedure about Canteen Development in the University also ensures food options at canteens meet nutritional needs.

The canteen at the Faculty of Engineering are exceptionally committed. They follow the Faculty’s procedures regarding layout, processing methods, and maintaining the cleanliness of the canteen. Not only hygienic, the food provided in the canteen must be halal and meet nutritional needs.

The Directorate of Assets and the UGM Healthy Canteen Team organized a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Healthy Canteen with the theme “Healthy Diet Through a Healthy Canteen”.

Access to physical healthcare services including information and education services 

UGM prioritizes the well-being of its students and staff by offering access to healthcare services through both the university’s primary care facilities and hospitals.

The Gadjah Mada Medical Center, serving as the primary care center for students and staff, provides a range of free-of-charge services, including information and education services. Additionally, UGM’s Academic Hospital, RSA UGM, offers affordable services of a similar nature.

UGM also offers a range of facilities to exercise accessible to both the campus and the local community, catering to diverse interests with options for both free and fee-based usage. Complimentary facilities include the sports center in Wisdom Park, a jogging track in the Biology Garden, a jogging track, and a cycling path in Embung PIAT UGM, as well as open space at Graha Sabha Pramana. For those in the local community seeking more specialized sports amenities, UGM Valley Sports Center provides facilities such as tennis courts, basketball courts, and a baseball field, with affordable fees applicable for their use.

Wisdom Park UGM is a green open space area made available to the public. A variety of amusements and recreation spots are present, including a greenhouse, chairs, a viewing deck, a forest walk area around the lake, and even more to enjoy.

The UGM Valley Sports Center is equipped with 5 badminton fields and 1 indoor tennis field that other than for exercise can be used for events by both UGM students and staff, as well as the public.

Families are welcome to bring their children to enjoy the swings at Embung PIAT UGM. This location also offers a delightful environment for jogging and cycling, providing a recreational space where families can engage in outdoor activities together.

Access to sexual and reproductive healthcare services including information and education services 

UGM provides access to services of sexual and reproductive health care through university primary care, hospital, and other work units.

This commitment extends to the faculty level, as exemplified by the Fisipol Crisis Center (FCC), which provides crucial services. One notable program at FCC involves granting free access for students and staff to Guidelines for Reporting, Handling, and Preventing Sexual Violence.


UGM is actively promoting awareness of sexual and reproductive health by developing a free online course. This educational initiative is designed to provide participants with rich reading materials and video content.

The Health Promoting University unit maintains a dedicated channel focused on sexual and reproductive health. This channel serves as a platform where articles highlighting activities and initiatives related to reproductive health are regularly updated.


Students have access to sexual and reproductive health care services through the Gadjah Mada clinic. This facility serves as a primary care center for students and provides a wide range of health services.

The Fisipol Crisis Center at UGM has developed a guidebook specifically aimed at addressing and preventing sexual violence on campus. This resource provides a comprehensive framework for reporting incidents, managing cases, and implementing preventive measures.

UGM also formed a Task Force for Preventing and Handling Sexual Violence. Through this task force, a series of education programs was carried out in the form of socializing SOPs and Guidelines for Handling Sexual Violence to the academic community. Apart from that, the website also facilitates every academic community to report incidents of sexual violence at UGM. 

 Access to mental health support for both staff and students 

The university offers counseling services conducted by professionals and peer counselors, creating a supportive environment for individuals who may require mental health support. This holistic approach ensures that a range of resources and assistance is available to promote, prevent, and provide treatment support for mental health among university students and staff.

The Mental Health Team and Psychology Consultation Unit are dedicated units focused on providing counseling services to the university community, with services available at the Gadjah Mada Health Center. Information about these services is disseminated through various channels, including social media and websites. Furthermore, the Health Promoting University unit and the Faculty of Psychology have also prepared and trained a Peer Counselor community.

The Faculty of Psychology established Pojok Curhat as a dedicated platform for students to share their experiences and seek counseling appointments. This initiative facilitates open communication and encourages students to address their mental health concerns promptly by providing a readily accessible avenue for seeking professional support.

UGM has provided access to employees and students to support mental health. One of them is facilitated through the Gadjah Mada Medical Center (GMC), which provides first-level outpatient services in the form of mental health counseling. In terms of initial screening regarding mental health, UGM released the Chatbot Platform “Lintang” which aims to provide Psychological First Aid based on the results of the screening that has been carried out.

Another mental health service at UGM is the Center for Public Mental Health (CPMH) Faculty of Psychology which functions as a study center, education and training center, policy advocacy center, and service center in the field of public mental health. CPMH together with experts developed the “Prosperous Campus” Program as a concrete step in realizing a safe, comfortable campus environment, a place for every academic community to develop optimally, be happy, productive, and achieve. 

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