A team of UGM students created an educational game as a learning media of the Javanese culture. This educational game, named Lingkar Bregada, was initiated by Fitriana Aulia from FKKMK, Andreas Ryan Cahyo K., Arlen Pramudya A., and Wahyu Setyaningsih from the Faculty of Engineering, and RR Natasya Nurputri A., from the Faculty of Law. With this game, they managed to get a Student Creativity Program (PKM) grant from the Ministry of Education and Culture and made it to the 2021 National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS) at the end of this October.
Fitriana revealed that this educational game started from their concern regarding the lack of Javanese language learning methods when they were in school. They feel a lack of varied learning experience in Javanese. In addition, there are also limited resources for learning Javanese.
“The lack of teaching materials and the desire to attract children’s interest in learning Javanese with innovative learning media made us interested in developing this idea,” she explained, Monday (25/10).
This game is a monopoly game with general knowledge of the Javanese language. Monopoly uses 10 team pieces in a game set. However, it can only be played by up to 4 players.
Fitriana explained that the first step is to complete the mission card first. Mission cards are used as opening cards that contain a story.
“In this game, we raised the theme of the history of Tanah Mangir, where there were Panembahan Senopati, Pembayun, and Ki Ageng Mangir who were in conflict,” she explained.
Andreas stated that they added Javanese script writing on the front of the card accompanied by questions containing the local Javanese curriculum. The game also features a small box containing the answer key which is on the back at the bottom of the question. That way, players cannot immediately find out the answer key to the question above. Interestingly, the back of the card also contains translations in three languages, namely Javanese in Roman alphabet, Indonesian, and also English.
“Hopefully, this product can be developed in the future in the form of product diversification that elevates other archipelago cultures so that they can be marketed more widely. In addition, cooperation with relevant agencies is also important so that this product does not stop at the PIMNAS level,” he said.
Source: https://www.ugm.ac.id/id/berita/21855-mahasiswa-ugm-kembangkan-permainan-edukatif-bahasa-jawa