Three UGM Faculty of Agriculture Study Programs Achieve International Accreditation

UGM once again demonstrates the quality of education with global standards. This time, three study programs from the UGM Faculty of Agriculture obtained ASIIN accreditation. The three study programs include Agricultural Extension and Communication, Fish Product Technology, and Plant Protection. ASIIN is an international accreditation agency originating from Germany for engineering, computer science, natural science, and mathematics.

“Alhamdulillah. We feel that our hard work in ensuring the quality of the learning process in these study programs has yielded excellent results, being ASIIN accredited for 2021-2026,” said Rudi Hari Murti, Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs of UGM Faculty of Agriculture on Wednesday (14/7).

The three study programs above are considered worthy of international accreditation. Rudi said that from the quality of the lecturers alone, the average lecturer has a doctorate. In the Plant Protection Study Program, all the 20 lecturers hold doctorates, with 7 of them holding the functional position of Professor.

The infrastructure of the three study programs is complete and of high quality. Rudi revealed that they have very good quality lecture rooms and constantly updated laboratory equipment. They also have natural laboratories or experimental gardens that are highly qualified. The experimental gardens include tea plantations covering an area of ​​1,100 ha with factories, cocoa plantations, as well as lowland gardens in Banguntapan covering ​​3.5 ha, and ​​9,000 m2 in Cangkringan.

Previously, ASIIN’s international accreditation for these study programs was held online on 22-25 March 2021 by six assessors from Germany and Indonesia. They include Prof. Peter Spathelf, Prof. Wolfgang Kath-Petersen, Arthur Reinelt, Dr. Mochammad Riyanto, Almansyah N. Sinatrya, and Risaldi Wajo. The three-day visitation began with an internal meeting with the ASIIN assessors. On the second day, the visitation also presented program coordinators consisting of deans, departments, and study programs. On the third day, the visit ended with a presentation on the infrastructure of the three study programs.






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