Braces or orthodontic treatment is a dental treatment aimed to correct poor tooth arrangement. The benefits of using braces include preventing various diseases, maintaining dental health, and increasing self-confidence.
Sri Suparwitri, an orthodontist and lecturer at the UGM Faculty of Dentistry, explained the various arrangements of teeth that should use braces, such as loose teeth, crowded teeth, protruding teeth, and underbite, live on Instagram @orthodontiugm Should I Wear Braces?, Saturday (12/6). Poor arrangement of teeth is caused by several factors, including heredity, dental caries, and bad habits.
“In the process of orthodontic treatment, you are not necessarily required to extract teeth. For loose teeth, the extraction process is usually not carried out, but for crowded and protruding teeth, if space is needed to correct the arrangement of the teeth, a tooth extraction process will be carried out,” she said.
Suparwitri explained orthodontic treatment is not only related to aesthetics but mainly health function. Often patients come to improve aesthetics, but after being evaluated, they do require orthodontic treatment in terms of their health function.
“In orthodontic treatment, the most important thing to pay attention to is the supporting tissue for healthy teeth, so even if you have cavities you can still use braces after patching them first,” explained Suparwitri.
When the arrangement of teeth is not good it will cause other diseases such as caries due to the large number of food residues that cannot be cleaned optimally. In addition, incorrect bite or chew can cause bone joint damage. For example, underbite cases can cause jaw tilt and more complex jaw joint disease.
“Children and adults can undergo the orthodontic treatment to be more confident and avoid disease,” she explained.
Considering the benefits and harmful effects, wearing braces is necessary if we have a dental arrangement as previously mentioned above.