The Faculty of Animal Science UGM and West Bangka Collaborate on Livestock Development Studies

The Faculty of Animal Science UGM helps West Bangka develop livestock through the West Bangka Livestock Potential and Innovation Research Team from the UGM Faculty of Animal Science in Muntok, West Bangka. The team was led by Dr.Ir. Bambang Suwignyo, MP, IPM, Dr. Ir. Sigit Bintara, MS, IPM, Dr. Siti Andarwati, MP, and Dr. Rio Olympias S, M.Sc.

According to Bambang Suwignyo, they have conducted a study for about 2 months in the area. The results of the study found that there is a potential for livestock development in West Bangka supported by the landscape. In general in Sumatra, there are still many large fields with grass, some are rubber plantations and some are oil palm plantations.

Bambang stated that the potential for grass from oil palm plantations alone can be used for more than 61 thousand livestock units or the equivalent of 46 thousands of cattle weighing 300 kg or the equivalent of 77 thousand sheeps.

“The potential for this development is seen from the trend in the last 5 years before 2018 which tends to increase so that it is increasingly convincing that the integration of cow palm oil which is formulated with supporting regulations will accelerate its development,” said Bambang in a release on Wednesday (31/7).

Meanwhile, Dr. Sigit Bintara stated that industrial growth related to the livestock sector, such as feedmill made from raw materials from oil palm industrial products, will complement the economic movement of the livestock sector. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the community’s capacity to synergize potential and obsession.

“Delivery of content is related to skills and vision to the community by optimizing the role of West Bangka agricultural development workers,” said Sigit.

Head of West Bangka Regional Body for Planning and Development (Bappeda) Drs. Muhammad Soleh, hopes that the study by the UGM Faculty of Animal Science Team will be a recommendation that can be followed up by the West Bangka Regional Government.

“If there are things that need further study, of course it still requires help from the UGM Faculty of Animal Science team,” said Soleh.







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