Jejak Medis Apps Help Disaster Patients Store Medical Records

Five UGM students developed an application to store medical records of disaster survivors and received Gold Medal and Taiwan Special Award in the World Young Inventors Exhibition during International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition (ITEX) 2019, held from 2-4 May 2019 in Malaysia.

Jejak Medis was developed by Eka Hafsari, Nadya Anggraini, Aziz Qomarul Firdaus, Fairuz Khairunnisa, and Haris Hendrik.

Nadya said the app prototype was made as there had been no medical record applications available to be used during disasters. When a disaster occurs, many volunteers would give medical assistance for the victims. However, treatment without medical records may lead to malpractice even death.

The students initiated the application in April 2019 for paramedics and patients. The app contains online and offline medical record features. “There is also a disaster management feature that contains general information before disaster, during disaster which provides information on the nearest areas affected by the disaster, and post-disaster crowdfunding,” she said on Wednesday (14/5) in a press conference at UGM’s Public Relations office.

Another feature is for consultation where patients may request a service and the paramedics may give the services in line with their expertise.

Eka added the app for patients has three main features: medical history, disaster management and consultation. In medical history, the resume of the patient’s health can be seen. The disaster management feature contains general information before disaster that is integrated with the Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysical Agency (BMKG) and health workers. During disaster there is a feature that shows the location of the nearest shelter and the post-disaster feature contains communal work, crowdfunding, and motivational videos on disasters. Lastly, the consultation feature allows patients to do consultation by choosing doctor’s service focus and various complaints.

“Currently, we are still improving the app. We hope to launch it by the end of June,” she concluded.





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