Related to Article 32 UGM Board of Trustees (MWA) Number 4/SK/MWA/2014, there are several stated that mentioned:
- UGM guarantees academic freedom, which means the academic authority to conduct study, research, discussion, and teaching of knowledge to students and fellow academic community.
- UGM upholds the freedom of the academic pulpit to express opinions openly and responsibly and issue statements that are in accordance with morals, reason and the rules of science regarding something related to the clumps and branches of science in the university environment and other scientific forums in the form of lectures, seminars, and other forms.
- UGM upholds academic freedom for higher education to explore, maintain, and advance science, technology, and/or art through the implementation of Tridharma.
- UGM guarantees the freedom of academic pulpit owned by lecturers who fulfil all requirements to act as independent teachers and researchers.

As mentioned in the Rector’s Regulation Number 21 Year 2021 especially, Article 4 states that every academic community must uphold academic freedom, freedom of academic pulpit, academic etiquette and scientific autonomy.

In the academic aspect, The University has Academic Policies in the faculty that provide standards and directions related to the development and implementation of an integrated learning process based on the principle of academic freedom. For example, as mentioned in the FMIPA Senate Decree Number 1/SF-FMIPA/SK/2020, page 3.

Regarding research, the university specifically gives freedom related to academic approach and exploring ideas, and UGM issued Rector Regulation No. 8 Year 2024 on Research Flagship. Article 4 states that the Research Flagship seeks to establish a culture of innovation and risk-taking, allowing researchers to explore unconventional ideas and approaches that can potentially deliver transformative results.