Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) actively provides expert advice to local, regional, and national governments through various initiatives. Locally, UGM is involved in preparing the Sukamara Regency Regional Development Plan (RPD) for 2024 – 2026. This collaboration aims to outline the region’s developmental goals, financial management strategies, and priority programs, ensuring alignment with national and provincial development plans.

UGM is also taking action in terms of creating a 1:5,000 Scale Base Map for Ngasem, Ngadiluwih, Pare and neighbouring sub-districts in Kediri District. This effort provides a geodatabase essential for the preparation of Detailed Spatial Plans (RDTR) in Kediri, supporting the One Map Policy and serving as a foundational tool for stakeholders in spatial planning.
The University participated in terms of academic research and rules at the regional level. In academic research, the University has collaborated with the Australia-Indonesia Menuju Masyarakat Inklusif (INKLUSI), titled “Morality Policies/Politics and the Prospect for Inclusive Citizenship in Decentralised Indonesia: A Study of West Java”. It can represent the interests of many actors. The university also participated in reviewing a number of policies at the provincial level as a responsibility to address the issue of intolerance and discrimination index in Indonesia. There were 117 exclusive policies that were successfully reviewed by the researchers related to the issue. The researchers managed to reveal several patterns of exclusion in policy from the aspects of the policy frame, the policy formulation process, and the strategies used in making policies.
The University and the government collaborated through a discussion of the Law with the theme ‘Empirical Study of Monitoring and Review of Law Number 30 Year 2014 on Government Administration’. It is concerned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) point 16, namely peace, justice and resilient institutions. This discussion is a product of thoughts and input for the Government to improve and re-evaluate the formulation of articles in Law Number 30 of 2014 concerning Government Administration (AP Law).
On the other hand, UGM students successfully gave recommendations related to Climate Action to the Ministry of Environment and Marine Affairs (KLHK) regarding carbon pricing. The recommendation is the result of a policy brief study that contains the actualisation of the existence of youth in climate change mitigation efforts. There are several points proposed, such as:
- Firstly, KLHK, as the policy maker, needs to review the policy that regulates the right to express and participate in climate change mitigation efforts for youth and all elements of society.
- Second, the MoEF is expected to determine a fair price for the carbon price benchmark as proposed by the IMF.
- Third, the calculation of carbon estimation is carried out with a more accurate and representative approach to a stand and strict enforcement against all related companies.
- Fourth, inviting the community, including the youth, to be more responsive to the issue of climate change.

UGM experts advise on cheap energy sources to support sustainable economic growth. An energy economist from Universitas Gadjah Mada argues that renewable energy is very abundant in Indonesia. Some of them are Biothermal, Biomass, Biofuel, Solar Power, Wind Power, and Micro Hydro. Ocean Wave Energy, Tidal Energy, Fuel Cell. Waste Energy and Nuclear Energy. Energy economist Fahmy Radhi critiques the government’s energy transition policies as insufficiently robust, noting that the renewable energy share in the national energy mix was only 12.8% in 2023, falling short of the 23% target set for 2025. Fahmy Radhi attributes this shortfall to policies that continue to favour coal-fired power plant development, thereby hindering the acceleration of renewable energy adoption (UGM advice for cheap energy sources).
- the Sukamara Regency Regional Development Plan (RPD) Year 2024 – 2026
- 15.000 Scale Base Map
- Morality Policies/Politics and the Prospect for Inclusive Citizenship in Decentralised Indonesia: A Study of West Java
- Empirical Study of Monitoring and Review of Law Number 30 Year 2014 on Government Administration
- Climate Action to the Ministry of Environment and Marine Affairs (KLHK)
- Cheap energy sources to support sustainable economic growth