Governance – QS Sustainability 2024

Good Governance

Good governance has been recognized as vital if countries are to pursue and meet sustainable development goals. They will require strong leadership, transparent and evidence-based decision-making, democratic and open justice, and the willingness to transfer power out of central government to local centers.

Existence of a committee, office, or officer 

The University Honors Council (DKU) is an instrument of the Academic Senate (SA) which has the authority to independently conduct examinations and make decisions on alleged violations of the code of ethics. (pg. 2; Article 15 pg. 7) 

Existence of anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies 

UGM is committed to anti-discrimination as directed by Trustee Board’s Regulations Number 1 Year 2023 about University Strategic Plan 2022-2027 (pg. 14, UGM guarantees that the campus environment is a safe and comfortable ecosystem, free from sexual violence, other violence, bullying, mental health problems, discrimination, and friendly to people with disabilities). The regulation in 2023 is the continuation of the Trustee Board’s Regulations Number 1 Year 2020 about University Strategic Plan 2017-2022 which also regulates discrimination (pg. 20, inclusive campus development with an anti-discrimination spirit based on race, ethnicity, ethnicity, gender, marital status, disability, age, religion, minority group, etc.). UGM guarantees the rights of all women including staff and students to be treated equally. Based on the Trustee Board’s Regulations Number 1 Year 2021 concerning Campus Master Plans (pg. 13, pg. 25), UGM is fighting for universal principles, namely social justice, equality, inclusivism, and sustainability in all aspects of university administration policies.

Specifically related to sexual violence, UGM is committed to maintaining standards of human values and dignity at UGM, as well as protecting the entire UGM community from all forms of sexual violence as stated in the Rector’s Regulation Number 1 Year 2020 (Article 2) and updated in Rector’s Regulation Number 1 Year 2023 (Article 2). 

UGM also provides prospective students from all pathways a fair admissions process and will not discriminate against ethnicity, religion, race and intergroup, etc. as clearly stated in the Rector’s Regulation Number 3 Year 2023 Article 2 Verse e. 

To regulate bribery and corruption it is mandatory to refuse gifts in any form related to work, other than those that have been determined based on applicable regulations and/or contracts agreed upon at the beginning (article 10, pg. 5)

As part of its commitment to eradicating corruption and bribery,  UGM has established the Center for Anti-Corruption known as PUKAT to systematize the anti-corruption movement by identifying the roles and positions that each element can play. 

UGM also commits to eradicating corruption and bribery through the Integrity Zone – Corruption Free Area (ZI/WBK) program. In this program, the Faculty of Engineering has achieved a Corruption Free Area (WBK) predicate and is ongoing to achieve a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM) predicate.

To facilitate and synergize UGM’s activities in education, teaching, and community service (Tridharma) to the contribution of sustainable development, UGM is committed to establishing the SDGs Center. The Center maps all university activities that are in line with SDGs including inserting the SDGs content in courses and Student-Community-Services (KKN), developing campus internal capacity and building a sense of ownership of SDGs, identifying priorities, opportunities, and the Global Action Plan in implementing SDGs, as well as ensuring the internalization of SDGs into university strategies, policies and work are sustainable.

UGM SDGs Center plays its role in achieving Sustainable Development Goals as the national development targets, by providing innovations and solutions for SDGs, creating current and future SDGs implementers, demonstrating how to support, adopt and implement SDGs, and developing partnerships and leadership between sectors to guide in responding to SDGs.

Our organisation develops clear ethical values (e.g., diversity, honesty, respect, fairness) and these are enshrined in a publicly available strategic document. 

It is regulated in Rector’s Regulation Number 21 Year 2021 (Article 4) that all faculty members must uphold academic freedom, freedom of academic platforms, academic etiquette, and scientific autonomy.

In the field of Education, Academic Policy within the faculty provides related standards and directions with the development and implementation of an integrated learning process based on the principle of academic freedom. For example, these are mentioned in the Senate Decree of Mathematic and Natural Science Faculty Number 1/SF-FMIPA/SK/2020 page 8.

Our university provides training based on those values at all levels of the organisation. 

  • Evidence: 


There is an office for ethical compliance within our institution, with a designated official with oversight on ethical matters across the institution. 

The University Honors Council (DKU) is an instrument of the Academic Senate (SA) which has the authority to independently conduct examinations and make decisions on alleged violations of the code of ethics. (pg. 2; Article 15 pg. 7) 

Our organisation has an internal reporting system to assure the confidentiality of whistleblowers or a grievance procedure for staff concerning an employment matter 

UGM has a reporting system to assure the confidentiality of whistleblowers or a grievance procedure for staff concerning any violation. The reporting system is provided for both internal and external stakeholders. In the Reporting Violation Form, KAI evaluates the adequacy and reliability of internal controls to provide assurance that UGM rules, laws and policies have been complied with and implemented

UGM recognized the Student’s Union pursuant to the Rector’s Regulation No. 1 of 2017. This gives the right to students to establish student unions under the supervision of the Student Affairs Directorate. Student Unions provides a structural organization for students to be involved in a learning governance environment as well as conducting proper organization practices including providing governance input to the university, support for students (e.g. scholarship platform), and organizing social activities (knowledge dissemination, advocacy, service programs, and various forms of community empowerment activities). 

UGM’s Student Executive Board is connected/affiliated to a wider national student union body such as Student Executive Board in Indonesia (Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Seluruh Indonesia, BEM SI).

UGM formed several committees handling various issues in the field of sustainable development. The committees put the Head of the Integrated Health Services Bureau as the person responsible for the overall operation. They are formed into working groups handling particular thematic areas. They consist of:

  1. Health Literacy Working Group Team
  2. Physical Activity Working Group Team
  3. Healthy Eating Patterns Working Group Team
  4. Mental Health Working Group Team
  5. Working Group Team for Establishing a Healthy, Safe and Disabled Friendly Living Environment
  6. Reproductive Health Working Group Team
  7. Zero Tolerance Violence and Bullying Working Group Team
  8. Zero Tolerance Working Group Team on Tobacco, Alcohol and Drug Abuse 

UGM also formed a Task Force for Preventing and Handling Sexual Violence. Through this task force, a series of education programs was carried out in the form of socializing SOPs and Guidelines for Handling Sexual Violence to the academic community. Apart from that, the website also facilitates every academic community to report incidents of sexual violence at UGM. 

In line with UGM’s commitment to openness, UGM provided an audited financial report which is open to the public.

UGM annually reports its achievements in implementing “Tri Dharma” and its contribution towards society through Dies Natalis UGM which is conducted at the end of each year by inviting all academic staff and students as well as the university’s partners.

UGM has Majelis Wali Amanat (MWA)/Board of Trustees as the highest governing body. As regulated by the Trustee Board’s Regulation Number 4 Year 2014 Chapter 41, the member of MWA consists of the Minister, the King of Kasultanan Ngayogyakarta, the Rector, the general public, and member of the university including faculty, non-faculty employee, and student. The procedure of selecting MWA members is regulated by Rector Regulation Number 1 Year 2016. UGM also has an academic senate which functions to establish policy provide recommendations and monitor academics (Trustee Board’s Regulation Number 3 Year 2021). This senate consists of professors and lecturers from various faculties as well as officers with certain positions.

The election of MWA members is conducted prior to the election of the new Rector. Therefore, for the Rector’s election in 2022, the election of MWA has been done in 2021 and will sit as the MWA members from 2021 to 2026.

MWA members representing student elements are elected for a term of one year and can be re-elected for another term. In 2022, Tugus Trisna Triandana Putra, a student at the Faculty of Agriculture, was elected as a member of the UGM Student Element Board of Trustees (MWA) for 2022 – 2023. He is one of 19 MWA members who carry out the task of formulating UGM general policies. The student element is very important as a component of the academic community in a university, so its role is very strategic, not just as an object but as a subject for developing the university.

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