The Indonesian Education System is in the process of a vacuum that has taken place for decades. This did not happen this time with the PPDB Zoning system, but there had been a series of previous curriculum changes. However, you could say the PPDB Zoning system became the most popular reaping the pros and cons. The Center for Populist Economic Studies (PSEK) UGM responds to the phenomena that are currently happening in the community.
Previously in early 2019, a study was carried out in the city of Yogyakarta in collaboration with the Yogyakarta City BAPPEDA to explore various facts that occurred in the junior high school level PPDB process. On the occasion of the discussion of education observers, Nayono said that “The zoning policy for New Student Admissions (PPDB) despite having a good goal, related to the distribution of quality of education, but its implementation has new terms and conditions that can be implemented when all educational facilities are evenly distributed”.
This shows that the zoning problem is not only related to the way PPDB is carried out, but also involves broader educational issues, such as student learning processes, learning motivation, school achievement, parents and teacher problems, and the community. Implementation in the city of Yogyakarta with uneven distribution of schools had an impact on the PPDB SMP process because of unequal access of citizens, a blank spot area emerged.
The phenomenon that describes areas that do not get access at all. There are two Kelurahan that reach the 100% level, namely Giwangan and Patangpuluhan, both Umbulharjo and Wirobrajan. With the capacity of the State Junior High School (3487 seats) which is only able to accommodate half of the elementary school graduates (inside and outside the city) PPDB problems will continue to recur.