Good Governance
Good governance has been recognized as vital if countries are to pursue and meet sustainable development goals. They will require strong leadership, transparent and evidence-based decision-making, democratic and open justice, and the willingness to transfer power out of central government to local centers.
UGM has an Office of Sustainability within the University Quality Assurance and Reputation Unit. Based on the UGM Chancellor’s Decree No. 1100/UN1.P/KPT/HUKOR/2024 on the Manager of the Office of Sustainability, the manager is tasked with implementing the UGM Sustainable Development Programme, strengthening the university’s reputation related to sustainability; coordinating the mainstreaming of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the tridharma in university policy; facilitating dialogue among stakeholders to work together in achieving the UN SDGs; monitoring and evaluating the achievement of the UN SDGs at the university; and providing scientific input, innovation, and evidence-based policy recommendations and strategies to achieve the UN SDGs.
To facilitate and synergize UGM’s activities in education, teaching, and community service (Tridharma) to the contribution of sustainable development, UGM is committed to establishing the SDGs Center. The Center maps all university activities that are in line with SDGs including inserting the SDGs content in courses and Student-Community-Services (KKN), developing campus internal capacity and building a sense of ownership of SDGs, identifying priorities, opportunities, and the Global Action Plan in implementing SDGs, as well as ensuring the internalization of SDGs into university strategies, policies and work are sustainable.
UGM SDGs Center plays its role in achieving Sustainable Development Goals as the national development targets, by providing innovations and solutions for SDGs, creating current and future SDGs implementers, demonstrating how to support, adopt and implement SDGs, and developing partnerships and leadership between sectors to guide in responding to SDGs.
Aligned with the objectives of the SDGs Centre, UGM is dedicated to enhancing capacity and establishing sustainable development units at the faculty level. One prominent example is the Faculty of Geography, which contributes through its Sustainable Development Geography UGM program. The Faculty of Geography frequently organizes seminars focused on development themes, such as the “Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) Seminar Series #101: Becoming Sustainability Agents from the Lecture Bench.” This initiative actively promotes the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with particular emphasis on the social development pillar, specifically Goal 3, “Good Health and Well-being,” and Goal 4, “Quality Education.”
Since 2016, UGM has initiated the development of policies aimed at preventing and addressing harassment. This effort was formalized through the issuance of the UGM Chancellor Decree Number 1699/UN1.P/SK/HUKOR/2016, which provides Guidelines for the Prevention of Harassment at UGM. In 2019, UGM reinforced its commitment by introducing the Health Promoting University (HPU) program, which aspires to create a healthy and supportive environment for the entire UGM academic community. As part of this program, a Zero Tolerance for Violence, Bullying, and Harassment Working Group was established. Further, in 2020, UGM implemented Rector’s Regulation Number 1 of 2020, which focuses on the prevention and management of sexual violence within the UGM community. Following the issuance of Permendikbudristek No. 30 of 2021 in 2022, UGM aligned its internal policies with this regulation by establishing the Task Force for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence on 3 September 2022.