Sexual Violence Prevention & Handling Task Force Event

The Task Force for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence has been established based on the Rector’s Decree Number 925/UN1.P/KPT/HUKOR/2022 dated 2 September 2022, and the stipulation of the Rector’s Regulation Number 1 of 2023 concerning the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence at Universitas Gadjah Mada. The agenda included socialisation efforts from August to December, discussing the prevention of sexual violence.
At the global level, the university collaborates with Sookmyung Women’s University in a Special Training Programme for Female Students. In 2023, Sookmyung Women’s University, through UNESCO’s University Twinning and Networking Scheme (UNITWIN) programme, hosted Universitas Gajah Mada to address the issue of women’s participation in entrepreneurship. This programme, titled “Sookmyung UNESCO UNITWIN Digital and Leadership Training”, was motivated by the low rates of women’s participation in employment. The collaboration aimed to help women reach the highest opportunities in employment. The university also celebrated the International Women’s Day.
At the national level, the university collaborates with the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection of the Republic of Indonesia and many scholars from different universities. The collaboration with the Ministry included the launch of the Women and Children Channel on RRI PlayGo. This application provides one-stop access to services, information, and inspiration related to women’s empowerment and child protection, as well as various online training programmes. Additionally, scholars from different universities, such as Universitas Indonesia and Universitas Andalas, have discussed interpreting 30% of Women’s Representation to Encourage Gender Justice Supreme Court Decisions.

At the local level, the university’s commitment has been applied through channels, online courses, webinars, workshops, and training at the high school level. The Crisis Center, a special initiative, aims to create a healthy campus ecosystem and address crises that occur both on and off campus. These crises include issues related to physical health, mental health, sexual and other forms of violence, bullying, and other situations requiring immediate assistance. Currently, UGM has facilitated a crisis centre button on its website, which provides contact numbers. In the future, there will be more robust procedures and teams for the Crisis Centre, including a call centre and artificial intelligence in the form of a chatbot.
The online course, “Gender and Social Justice”, is accessible to the public for a fee. It covers the concept of gender, its application in social contexts, and the factors influencing gender injustice. The University tends to agree with Woman as a Leader, the support shown through the Talks Series discussed gender stereotypes, patriarchy, and the role of women in terms of leadership. For example, the UGM political expert support for the female candidate’s electoral strategy, it was supported by invited women politicians and activists and discussed Women Political Leadership: To Unite What Male Politicians Have Divided.

A Webinar titled “Realising a Bullying-Free Campus” was held, featuring all female speakers. This event highlighted the empowerment of women, particularly in addressing cyberbullying trends. In line with the webinar, UGM also provided training for students on Anti-Toxic: Building Healthy and Meaningful Relationships. This training aimed to enhance understanding of toxic relationships, how to avoid them, and how to build healthy and meaningful relationships and communication within the campus environment, including wise use of social media. Additionally, the university organised training for high school and university students on the prevention and handling of sexual violence cases. These initiatives are sustainable and preventive measures to support women in overcoming sexual violence.
- Sexual Violence Prevention & Handling Task Force Event
- Rector’s Regulation Number 1 of 2023
- Sookmyung Women’s University
- International Women’s Day
- The Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection of the Republic of Indonesia
- Interpreting 30% of Women’s Representation to Encourage Gender Justice Supreme Court Decisions
- Crisis Center
- Gender and Social Justice
- Woman as a Leader
- Support for the female candidate’s electoral
- Women Political Leadership: To Unite What Male Politicians Have Divided
- Webinar Realising a Bullying-Free Campus
- Anti-Toxic: Building Healthy and Meaningful Relationships
- Training for high school