Water Pollution Control in UGM Campus

The figures above show the water quality control of UGM Valley Lake and the upstream Code River. In addition, the tabular programme shows water quality monitoring data from several locations over the period 2020-2023. The locations are different water bodies, such as rivers and lakes, in and around the UGM main campus in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The table is organised by year and semester (SEM 1 and SEM 2), displaying the parameters measured at each site.

A table displaying the total coliform count (measured in CFU—colony-forming units) for various water sampling located in UGM over different semesters from 2020 to 2023. Data is used to monitor water quality and safety across these locations, indicating the presence of potential contamination and areas that may need intervention or further investigation.

Laboratory test report for a water sample from sink water. The report details various water quality parameters, their measured values, detection limits, and standards.

Water quality test result for a sample TOYAGAMA water gallon (19L). The water sample seems to meet acceptable standards for drinking water, no significant chemical or microbiological contamination detected.

Regional regulation on domestic sewage water treatment which enforces institutions in the provice of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, including Universitas Gadjah Mada, to dispose the sewage water in their system.
Each semester, UGM sends teams to conduct quality control of the water available on campus.
- UGM monitors and tests the quality of water sources and bodies of water located inside and near the main campus area, such as the lake in UGM Valley, the shallow wells near faculty buildings, and the Belik and Code River.
- In 2023, UGM widened the parameters of their water quality monitoring study, tracking pollution indicators and water health over the years.
In monitoring water pollution and quality control, UGM refers to regional and national regulations.
UGM Water Quality Test Lab Results
Universitas Gadjah Mada conducts clean water testing

The test laboratorium result of water quality in the university results in twenty-one clean water quality samples based on quality standards according to government regulations and management recommendations prepared by a team of Chemical Geophysics experts at the Center for Environmental Studies of Gadjah Mada University. Based on the monitoring results, most of the clean water sources used by UGM have high Total ColiJbrm and E.Coli content. The total coliform content ranges from 1.8-300 CFU/100 ml. while the e.coli content ranges from 1-77 CFU/100 ml. Based on Permenkes RI number 2 of 2023 concerning clean water quality standards for total coliform and e.coli parameters, it is 0 cFU/100 ml.
Universitas Gadjah Mada tests lake and river water around the campus

The UGM Campus Environmental Monitoring Plan (RKL) is reported through the test results of four river water quality samples and two lake water quality samples, which were taken by a team of Chemical Geophysics experts at the UGM Center for Environmental Studies. River and lake water quality monitoring quality 2 refers to Permenkes No. 2 of 2023 concerning Regulations for the Implementation of Government Regulation No.66 of 2014 concerning Environmental Health.