As part of efforts to reach zero waste to landfill, prevention has been continuously implemented in UGM. Several policies and initiatives have been implemented to minimise plastic usage on campus of unnecessary plastic packaging. The Circular Letter (SE) issued by the Vice Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) (Circular Letter Number 6627/UN1.P4/PL.00.00/2024) on Waste Management within the UGM campus encourages reusable or biodegradable materials and discourages single-use plastics in campus activities. This letter renewed the Circular Letter Number 8846/UN1.P.V/Dit-Aset/TR01.02/2023

The Circular Letter (SE) issued by the Vice Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) (Circular Letter 6627/UN1.P4/PL.00.00/2024) on Waste Management within the UGM campus encourages reusable or biodegradable materials and discourages single-use plastics in campus activities. This letter renewed the Circular Letter 8846/UN1.P.V/Dit-Aset/TR01.02/2023

Figure below provides a visual representation of this effort, showcasing food being served across several faculties at UGM without relying on plastic packaging. Another strategy is to distribute eco-friendly refillable water bottles (tumblers), especially for new undergraduate students. The recommendation to use tumblers is supported by the availability of water fountain facilities from the UGM drinking water supply system (SPAM – Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum).

- The Faculty of Economics and Business distributed 700 tumblers for new students
- The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Distributed 1000 tumblers for campus community
- Faculty of Engineering distributed 1617 tumblers for new student
- Sekolah Vokasi UGM Meeting Consumption Procurement
- Faculty of Engineering – No more plastic and food boxes
- Faculty of Pharmacy – Non-organic waste reduction policy
- Faculty of Dentistry – Non-organic waste reduction policy
The initiative in FEB in Figure (a) above, was positively received by new students, such as understanding the objective of being encouraged to support FEB UGM’s mission of promoting environmental sustainability (FEB Students Positive Responses to Support Plastic Reduction). The students highly appreciated the program and are motivated to be more aware of sustainable life on and outside campus. Another program was initiated in the Faculty of Social and Political Science, as shown in Figure (b). The reusable water bottles are distributed to students, lecturers, and staff to encourage all students and faculty members to understand the importance of sustainability in education and the environment. The Faculty of Engineering at UGM has the largest student body. Several companies supported the free water bottle program for new students in 2023, with 1617 water bottles (see Figure (c)). PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja, PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda, PT Semen Baturaja, PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper, and PT Sigma Utama donated the tumblers.
Many faculties (e) and (f) in Universitas Gadjah Mada initiated to issue letters in order to support efforts to reduce non-organic waste in the Universitas Gadjah Mada environment, especially those originating from the use of synthetic cork/Styrofoam in flower board arrangements in certain events and functions. Non-organic materials in the celebrations of events and functions should be replaced by natural fresh flowers, plants, or fruits
Rencana Strategis UGM yang memuat tentang atmosfer kampus yang mendukung sustainable behaviour (p.11 and p.15) à UGM berkomitmen memperjuangkan keselarasan dan keseimbangan manusia dengan alam demi keberlanjutan hidup ke depan (sustainability)
- Circular Letter Number 6627/UN1.P4/PL.00.00/2024
- Circular Letter Number 8846/UN1.P.V/Dit-Aset/TR01.02/2023
- The Faculty of Economics and Business distributed 700 tumblers for new students
- The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Distributed 1000 tumblers for campus community
- Faculty of Engineering distributed 1617 tumblers for new student
- Sekolah Vokasi UGM Meeting Consumption Procurement
- Faculty of Engineering – No more plastic and food boxes
- Faculty of Pharmacy – Non-organic waste reduction policy
- Faculty of Dentistry – Non-organic waste reduction policy
- FEB Students Positive Responses to Support Plastic Reduction
- Universitas Gadjah Mada Strategic Plan 2022-2027