Real-Time Insights: UGM’s Advanced System Tracks Energy Consumption and Emissions

In early 2022, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) developed an advanced Energy and Climate Change Monitoring System that was fully implemented by the end of 2022. This system utilises Information and Communication Technology (ICT) where it tracks energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in real-time across departments, particularly within the Faculty of Engineering.

The system offers detailed insights into energy usage patterns, identifying peaks and trends contributing to higher emissions or inefficiencies. The data gathered enables UGM to evaluate departmental performance in terms of energy efficiency, helping guide future strategies for reducing energy consumption and emissions. The system’s ability to monitor at the building or departmental level enhances decision-making related to climate initiatives.

Key benefits of this monitoring system include:

  1. Accurate tracking of energy consumption, enabling a clear understanding of energy use across campus.
  2. Improved decision-making for energy reduction programs by highlighting inefficiencies and opportunities for improvement.
  3. Early detection of high-consumption periods allows UGM to implement preventive measures.
  4. Optimal resource allocation for energy management and sustainability initiatives.

UGM Planning, Implementation, Monitoring and/or Evaluation of Track Energy Consumption Program

StageActivities/ ProgramsICT UtilizationEvidenceTimelineResponsible Team/ Department
PlanningInstallation of building energy consumption monitoring devices and installation of additional solar panels in several buildingsMonitoring devices, Project management tools, installation scheduling softwareReport on solar panel installation and monitoring device installation?Jan 2019Directorate of Planning University, and Directorate of Asset University
ImplementationIntegrating building energy consumption monitoring devices, monitoring solar panel energy production and a website for energy monitoringMonitoring devices, Website for monitoringEnergy consumption monitoring system:
Jan 2022 - Dec 2022Directorate of Asset University and Directorate of Information Technology
MonitoringTracking building energy consumption and renewable energy productionEnergy consumption monitoring system:
Building Energy Consumption and Energy Solar Panel Production reports, performance analyticsJan 2023 - OngoingEnergy Management
EvaluationEvaluation of Energy consumption monitoring systemEnergy consumption monitoring system:
Evaluation reports, energy savings analysisDec 2023Energy Management

In 2022, a total of 11 new Learning Center buildings at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) successfully received green certification from an official certification body. However, to ensure that this achievement is maintained, UGM formed a dedicated team responsible for monitoring and managing the sustainability of building management on campus. Starting in 2023, efforts to uphold green building sustainability have been carried out through monthly monitoring. Additionally, every six months, each faculty and school is required to deliver presentations to report the current condition of their buildings, both new building and existing buildings, to ensure that smart building standards and green building practices are consistently maintained.

UGM Planning, Implementation, Monitoring and/or Evaluation of Building Management on Campus

StageActivities/ProgramsICT UtilizationEvidenceTimelineResponsible Team/Department
PlanningForming a green building team and a manual book preparation teamProject management toolsTeam formationJan 2022Directorate of Planning University, and Directorate of Asset University
ImplementationPreparation of manual books, forms and systemsProject management tools,Adobe Illustrator, Canva, Microsoft software.Manual book for operational and maintenance technical manual for New Building and Existing BuildingSept 2022 - Dec 2022Directorate of Asset University and Directorate of Information Technology
MonitoringMonthly monitoring and reportingOneDriveMaintenance forms and checklists reported every monthJan 2023 – Ongoing
(Every 1 months)
Green Building Teams of each faculty/school, Directorate of Assets 
EvaluationEvaluation of Building MonitoringOneDrive, PresentationBuilding Report and Presentation fromGreen Building Teams of each faculty/schoolEvery 6 monthsGreen Building Teams of each faculty/school, Directorate of Assets 

Manual book for operational and maintenance technical manual for New Building and Existing Building.

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