The basic living wages of UGM staff (civil servants) follows Government Regulation Number 15 Year 2019 on Salary Regulations for Civil Servants.

The regulations have recently been amended in the Presidential Regulation Number 10 Year 2024 concerning Adjustment of Basic Salary for Civil Servants. Article 1 Paragraph 1 states that “the basic salary of Civil Servants are determined according to rank and period of work”.

For non-civil servant UGM staff, living wages are regulated in the Rector’s Decree Number 996/ UN1.P/KPT/DSDM/2019 on Basic Salaries for Permanent Lecturers and Permanent Teaching Staff Year 2019, which decrees “The basic salary for Permanent Lecturers and Permanent Teaching Staff at Gadjah Mada University is gross, as referred to in the Attachments of Government Regulation Number 15 of 2019 on Civil Servant Salary Regulations”.

Besides basic living wages, UGM awards the staff performance-based incentives in accordance with Rector’s Regulation Number 4 Year 2018 on Providing Performance Based Incentives for Universitas Gadjah Mada Employees.

UGM academic staff receive performance-based incentives known as the IBK System. Article 1 of the regulation explains that Performance-Based Incentives refer to incentives awarded based on employees’ success in demonstrating discipline, achieving outstanding performance, and meeting predetermined strategic goals through expected behaviours.
Article 3 Paragraph 1 specifies that IBK recipients include both Lecturers and Teaching Staff.
Paragraph 2 outlines that the Academic Staff mentioned in Verse 1 are the following: a. Civil Servant Academic Staff; b. Candidate Civil Servant Academic Staff; c. Permanent Academic Staff; and d. Academic Staff with a Work Agreement.
Paragraph 3 describes that the Teaching Staff referred to in Verse 1 include: a. Civil Servant Teaching Staff; b. Candidate Civil Servant Teaching Staff; c. Permanent Teaching Staff; d. Non-Permanent Teaching Staff; and e. Teaching Staff under a Work Agreement.
The IBK system is accompanied by a regulated scoring and electronic information system:

The university provides a handbook to follow and use the IBK information system:

Meanwhile, UGM lecturers are awarded additional incentives based on workload and employee ranks which include incentives for teaching, thesis supervisory, undertaking community service/outreach programmes, and other academic achievements as regulated in the Lecturer Allowance policies.