Besides civil servant staff, and permanent and non-permanent staff, UGM also relies on outsourced workers to maintain campus facilities, support academic functions, and provide essential services.
The procurement of any goods or services must follow Rector’s Regulation Number 12 Year 2022 concerning the Procurement of Goods and Services, see Article 24 Paragraph 5 page 11 wherein: “The salary of external parties are given based on the rate standards issued by the government, institutions, or professional associations.” This policy is strengthened in Article 28 Paragraph 3 page 14: “Other Goods/Services must be based on official rates set by the government or listed in the government’s E-catalog system or UGM’s E-catalog.” This is to ensure that the rights, especially concerning salary, of UGM’s outsourced workers are protected and follow the determined rates given by the Indonesian government.

UGM puts in place protective measures and inclusive policies for these workers, such as the Rector’s Circular Letter Number 1069/UN1.P.IV/P2L/TR/2021 concerning the Procurement of Outsourced Services. This policy regulates the standard rates for outsourced individuals, including their minimum/maximum wages per month.

The rights of outsourced workers are also protected by the Rector’s Regulation No. 15 Year 2024 page 20 number 25 (see University’s Policy on General Financial Standard 2024). This decree also regulates the standard rates for professional services from outside UGM, such as infrastructure work, as mentioned on pages 88 and 89 numbers 117 and 118.

The UGM Procurement Office is in charge of the Guidelines for Implementing Procurement of Outsourced Workers based on the regulations mentioned above. When creating individual service contracts, all UGM work units must use the SIPINTER information system.