Equal Pay at UGM and the Elimination of Gender Pay Gaps

UGM upholds a policy of equal pay, with no gender-based differences in salaries. The university’s wage scale policy is based exclusively on a standardised salary table that considers employment status and length of service, regardless of gender. Basic salaries for all staff vary only by position, according to Government Regulation Number 15 Year 2019 on Salary Regulations for Civil Servants and Rector’s Decree Number 996/ UN1.P/KPT/DSDM/2019 on Basic Salaries for Permanent Lecturers and Permanent Teaching Staff.

In 2024, there will be a salary adjustment for UGM employees following the revisions in Presidential Regulation Number 10 Year 2024 concerning Adjustment of Basic Salary for Civil Servants.

There are also no gender pay gaps in the performance-based incentives that UGM awards to staff; as mandated in Rector Regulation Number 4 Year 2018 on Providing Performance Based Incentives for Universitas Gadjah Mada Employees. Article 1 of the regulation explains that Performance-Based Incentives are  awarded based on employees’ success in demonstrating discipline, achieving outstanding performance, and meeting predetermined strategic goals through expected behaviors. The awarding of these incentives does not discriminate between gender.


  1. Government Regulation Number 15 Year 2019
  2. Rector’s Decree Number 996/ UN1.P/KPT/DSDM/2019
  3. Presidential Regulation Number 10 Year 2024
  4. Rector Regulation Number 4 Year 2018
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