Safeguarding Rights: Policies Prohibiting Child and Forced Labour

UGM is highly against any form of child labour. The Rector’s Regulation Number 18 Year 2016​ contains the requirements that must be fulfilled for UGM employees, among them is the minimum age requirement of 18 years old. Article 49 Paragraph 2 states: “The requirements for applicants for educational personnel under a work agreement include: a minimum age of 18 years and a maximum age of 30 years, except for specific tasks that require candidates with certain experience and are approved by the university”.

There are specific recruitment requirements for UGM permanent lecturers  and administrative staff that help ensure future employees meet the minimum age requirements. For administrative staff, applicants must have completed a D3 (diploma program) or S1 (bachelor’s degree), ensuring a minimum age of around 20–21 years. This serves as a screening process to prevent underage workers. Similarly, prospective lecturers require at least an ongoing master’s or doctorate’s degree. These standards demonstrate that UGM employs individuals who are of appropriate age, does not subject child labor and ensures their workforce is within the productive age range.


To ensure that no form of forced labour or modern slavery is ever present on campus, UGM strictly regulates additional time/overtime for staff working after working hours. Salary for staff working after working hours is determined in the University’s Policy on General Financial Standard 2024​.

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