UGM’s Educational Outreach: Community Engagement and Student-Led Initiatives

On programmed basis

The university has arranged many Community Service Programs (KKN). More than 7.000 students joined the KKN PPM from 19 faculties spreading to serve 31 provinces, 97 districts, 204 sub-districts, and more than 400 villages across Indonesia. There were many programmes related to sustainability, such as Waste Sorting Education and Ecoprint Making in Labuhan Pandan Village to support Zero Waste, learning eco-printing and electrical experiments in four academic levels starting from the Elementary School, the Junior, and Senior High School level, solved the health issues by suggest the theme about non-communicable diseases, infectious diseases, child health in the Pajangan village, arranged socialisation of clean and healthy living behaviour (PHBS) at the elementary school level, conducting environmental education to support sustainability Life Below Water for children on the Parangkusumo beach through Green Generation Programme, and created “Pekan Edukasi” at the elementary school level in Ternate City.

Adhoc - Community Services

The university arranged education outreach activities through community services. One of the programmes was a collaboration between the Faculty of Dentistry and Psychology in SLB (Special School) 1 Bantul through DENTAL HERO to improve Oral Hygiene. This collaboration was carried out to provide assistance to dental and oral health cadres, including “Dental Hero,” which consists of students, teachers, and parents. This activity encourages SLB Negeri 1 Bantul students to brush their teeth. The series of activities that have been carried out are socialisation, training, and cadre independence. Another programme arranged by the Community Inspired Gadjah Mada (GM) beyond the Community Social Affairs Ministry of BEM KM UGM organised a Children’s Festival titled “Exploring Culture: Harmony in Diverse National Cultures” at the elementary school level in Sleman.

The program that aims at the elementary school level was numerous for sustainability. They arrange the “Kampung Ramah Anak” programme with local principles such as Engklek Pintar, Pojok Pintar, Character Class, and Inspired Class. The Faculty of Engineering held the “Cinta Anak Negeri” (CAN) to help the children’s education in Kulon Progo. On the other hand, the university also supported SMEs through the Strengthening the Capacity of Student Organizations programme arranged by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.


On programmed basis:

  1. KKN UGM
  3. Waste Sorting Education and Ecoprint Making in Labuhan Pandan Village
  4. learning ecoprinting and electrical experiments in four academic level start from the Elementary School
  5. non-communicable diseases, infectious diseases, child health in the Pajangan village 
  7. Green Generation Programme
  8. Pekan Edukasi KKN UGM

Adhoc – Community Services

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